Saturday, May 28, 2011

Brisbane: "La dolce vita e il dolce far niente!!"

"The sweet life and the sweet idleness" next the Spanish Step by Simona Albanese

In addition to the world most acclaimed artworks and monuments spread all over the city of Rome....Romans are famous for "La dolce vita dolce far niente!!!" 

Why not transfering our passion for "La dolce vita ...e il dolce far niente" in Brisbane? This week (26 May - 2 June 2011) Brisbane celebrates the Italian Week with many events around the city and the region. 

Why not doing the same...Enjoy life to the most, take a break while having Italian conversation in the heart of the city or in New Farm. The offer is valid for a short time!!!

Make sure you lock in a series of classes before your next holiday!!!

Be quick!!
Get in touch!!

Your connection to Italy 


Anonymous said...

Simona can you send me more information? I would like some conversation.
Thanks, Anita

Unknown said...

What a nice place and wonderful people ....

Truly Asia

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